FAO the media, There's life outside Dublin you know


Registered User
Just a little rant, but driving to work this morning in some of the worst conditions I have experienced in my 20yrs of driving, listening to the news on RTE 2, it started off the weather report with the words "and in weather its very windy in Dublin this morning".

Yeah probably, but you wanna see it in Donegal !
Sounds like the reporter was just passing on their expierence from on the way into work.
No its wasn't their opinion, it was the official report.

Surely a comment of "its very windy all over the country this morning" would make more sense.
They were talking about Donegal on NewsTalk this morning. Anyway, one third of the country lives in and around Dublin so they are going to get the lion’s share of the coverage.
They were talking about Donegal on NewsTalk this morning. Anyway, one third of the country lives in and around Dublin so they are going to get the lion’s share of the coverage.

Exactly, that means two thirds of the country don't live in and around Dublin, so surely we all deserve to hear that we are being blown to bits as well.
Same on Joe Duffy show

They name a street and expect the rest of the country to know where it is

Flooding on Sundrive Road Joe,

Not even Joe's fault, a lot of the callers assume we all just know where that is. I wouldn't call it arrogance, not sure what the word is

When did RTÉ turn to Dublin local radio?

You'd have to assume it was Dublin though wouldn't you?
I had edited my post, OP posting about weather

Same point though

As yes, outside Dublin there is no crime and we all live in the paradise that Dev intended for us
I come across this assumption quite a bit.
When Dubliners give a phone number they usually leave out the 01 bit,whereas when you live in the country you would never leave out the prefix..

And dont you all know there is no crime outside Dublin and even if there is it is usually the fault of someone from Dublin..(according to some of those who live in the Country anyway).
Wait til Dublin starts tapping the Shannon for water, Up the West will take on a whole new meaning. Bloody culchies. As for those royalists down in Cork, all of Lizzie 2's Union-Jack waving friends in the the real capital .. well nuf said. The rebel county might be aiming for a sterling change-over some time soon. Do they still accept Euro's in the English market?.... I'll get me hat I know where the door is....
There was a D reg in our village over the weekend
Nice car too

Must have been a drug dealer
Exactly, that means two thirds of the country don't live in and around Dublin, so surely we all deserve to hear that we are being blown to bits as well.

Yes, you do. But the Greater Dublin area comprises a fairly small amount of real estate. A weather forecast that covers pretty much all of it, can be given out in about 10 seconds. The other two thirds of the country covers areas as far apart as Kerry is from Donegal, or Mayo is from Waterford. Not all of you would have the same weather as the (fairly small) Dublin region would.

If they were to give each and every one of ya yer own personalized weather forecast, we'd be here all day. It's not really a viable option when on most stations the news, sports reports and weather has to be condensed down to one 90 second snippet.
All counties have their own radio stations for local weather updates-
Cork- cork96fm, Donegal- highland radio, Kilkenny- kclr96fm, Dublin-rte, Limerick- 95fm etc.

So where's the problem?
Let the Dubs pay for RTÉ so

I'll be printing off your post callybags for when the TV licence man comes calling