Fanlight over Front Door


Registered User

I'm currently looking at getting a hardword front door made for my new build house. The unit will consist of the actual door pane, two side lights and a fanlight on top with wooden radial pieces. I'm being told that the fanlight glass itself will have to be single glazing. Does this sound right? I was disappointed to hear this as I've been so far making sure that house will be very well insulated. I'd appreciate if anyone with any experience could give a little advice?
I see no reason why the fan light needs to be single glazing.

If your door manufacturer cannot do it then engage your window manufacturer to do it.

perhaps contact the below company, they do a 'historical door' product with fanlights and will tell you if the fanlights are single or double glazed. Ask about the DS 66 door... i cant find a link directly to it right now.
[broken link removed]
You should have the fan light Double Glazed in the interest of security, especially at your front door, for the purpose of trying to stop entry and the robbing of keys which would be in the Hall. As well as to insulate the house
Thanks for the replies.

Would it be possible that because the fanlight is being split up using radial wooden pieces that it is making it difficult to have double glazing?

I was only thinking about the insulation aspect, but that's a good point about the security point of view.
If the fanlight is double glazed the timber mullions forming the detailed design will have to get heavier in order to cover the 15mm seal on the d/g unit on both sides. If you need to keep the timber mullion narrow, then the only option is single glazing or to have the detail 'stuck on' which personally I think does'nt look great.
Clubman - very funny and sarcastic !!!! We has them crawl up a plastic down pipe, into an upstairs window approx 18 inches X 18 inches. And all happened in early evening. Had a very major robbery so it does happen.
Maybe you should have double glazed your down pipe?

Seriously though - did somebody actually break into your house via a fanlight and, if so, how!?
My reply vanished????

What I was trying to say was that after an attempt to burgle my house a few years ago(thankfully unsuccessful) I was told by both gardai and insurance officials that burglars often bring kids with them to gain accesss thru small/tight spaces.. in my case I doubt if the average 6/7 year old would have gotten in! I guess there are real modern Fagins out there.
As to fan lights all you need is the ability to lift yourself up 7-9 feet break the glass hop down 7/9 feet on the other side and you are in... the hardest part is to avoid being seen on the road which is not all that different from breaking in through a side panel of glass , an upstairs window etc... Not something I would ever have thought about until my own experiences with our burglar friends.