Fancy a NAMA house?

As someone who has put everything I've earned into property I normally burn with anger when I hear the word squatters. But...

What this man is doing is the lesser of two evils...

Whilst it is usually wrong to occupy a property without the owners permission in this case it is more wrong for it to fall into a complete state of disrepair.
Empty, deteriorating properties are a blight on the landscape and, far more important, to the people nearby. Rats, druggies,vagrants etc . They're dangerous to the kids. Loads of problems.
The govnt. NAMA, local councils etc have not properly addressed this problem.

I don't know the reaction of the legal neighbours. Are they annoyed at this guy getting a freebie (although he's spent time,effort and money on it)?
Or are they pleased that at least this is one house on their estate that won't be turned into a stripped junk-heap ? And, to be fair, he's offering to pay rent.
He seems to be well able to work and do lots of tasks for a man on disability.....
Having some work and a goal does a lot of good for someone of depression
He shouldn't be on disability, switch him to jobseekers
Ah yes, massaging the figures is all important

If unemployment figures are too high kick some of them to disability and back to education.
Unemployment down this month, hurray

Every September they announce with pride that unemployment is down when it's clear to all why
He seems to be well able to work and do lots of tasks for a man on disability.....
Having some work and a goal does a lot of good for someone of depression
He shouldn't be on disability, switch him to jobseekers

It's not Davis Norris, is it?

He's on disability and occupying a big house that appears to have fallen into disrepair.