VHI Family plan - upcoming renewal query


Registered User
Hi guys,

Wondering if there are any similar or better offers available.

2 adults on PMI 43 16
3 kids on One+ Plan (day to day not required as covered under GP care)

Overall price has increased by €280.

Any suggestions for alternatives with similar cover? Would need to stay with VHI for access to swiftcare.
Hi apeking,

Child Options

The following VHI plan is worth considering;
1. VHI One Plan 150; price 197pa; all public, private and Beacon hospital (Dublin) covered, private excess capped at 150 x 2 max per year
for all admissions, day case excess 150 per procedure. The main difference between this plan and One + Plan is there is no cover for the
Blackrock Clinic and Mater Private on One Plan 150.


Adult Options
The following 4 plans are worth considering;

1. VHI PMI 37 13; price 1147pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered; private/hi-tech excess 100 per admission and 100 per day
case procedure. Very limited day to day cover on this plan.

2. VHI Company Plan Plus Level 1.3; price 1193pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered; private/hi-tech excess 150 per admission
and 50 per day case procedure. Good day to day cover on this plan, 50% refund for gp, consultants, dental, physio etc upto a max refund of 1000
per year per person.

3. VHI PMI 07 10; price 1240pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess capped at 150 x 1 max per year for all
admissions per year, day case excess 50 per procedure. Good day to day cover included, 50% refund for consultants, gp visits, dental, physio etc
upto a max refund of 1000 per year.

4. VHI PMI 35 13; price 1280pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 100 per admission and 100 per day case
procedure; Good day to day cover included, 50% refund for gp, consultants, dental, physio etc upto a max refund of 3200 per year.


Regards, Snowyb