family law: Is ex-partner with joint custody entitled to go to medical appointments?


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Hi! does anyone know if an ex-partner (who somehow managed to get joint custody) is entitled to go to medical appointments for a a child with the mother.

My ex was a psychological bully, and on some occasions I also feared him physically. I have informed him of the medical appointment (I am the primary carer), but I don't want him to come along (though I am quite happy for him to telephone the consultant).

The last time he tried to stop our daughter having a much needed tonsillectomy by threatening the G.P. and consultant that he would take them to Court.

Any advice and suggestions welcome.
Re: family law

Hi Elaine,

I know I am meant to inform my ex everytime our child is in hospital I don't bother because he never turns up anyway and I find that if he is included it is the same as yourself he feels that he and only he has the right to make the final decision.

It is not my understanding that he needs to be informed of all doctors visits. He does need to be consulted if your child requires an operation and I would even do that myself and then take it from there.

I know when I enquired I was told that my ex cannot stop your child from having an operation that the Doctor believes is in the Welfare of your child in the long run, without getting a court order preventing this.

If he really kicks up you can go back to the court and get the Judge to deceide, he will look at everything and do what is in the best interest of your child and not the parents own little agenda which is what it looks like he is doing.
Re: family law

Hi! does anyone know if an expartner (who somehow managed to get joint custody) is entitled to go to medical appointments for a a child with the mother. My ex was a psychological bully, and on some occasions I also feared him physically. I have informed him of the medical appointment (I am the primary carer), but I don't want him to come along (though I am quite happy for him to telephone the consultant). The last time he tried to stop our daughter having a much needed tonsillectomy by threatening the G.P. and Consultant that he would take them to Court. Any advice and suggestions welcome.

Did you get a protection order against him, if so he is breaking it by showing threatening behaviour to both yourself and your child, if it is not intentionally directed towards the child it makes no difference as its emotionally traumatising for the little one.

If you havent got one i say you should think about getting one if you are in fear of physical violence.

Its for both your safety
Re: family law: Is ex-partner with joint custody entitled to go to medical appointmen


You should consult your solicitor.
