Personal and income details
Net (i.e. after tax) Income self: 3700
nature of income: private sector - position stable at moment
Net income partner/spouse: 0
Income history: Lost job in 2010 - not worked outside home since
number of children: 2
Amount of Mortgage Interest Supplement received: 0
Home loan-Family home
Lender: AIB
Amount outstanding: 287,761
Value of home: about 260,000 now - although wouldn't get that
Interest rate: split loans - 177,040 @ 4.4% + 110,721 @ 4.49%
Monthly repayment: 1,708
Amount in arrears: 0
Investment property
Lender: AIB
Amount outstanding: 164,899
Value of home: 150,00
Interest rate: 4.4%
Monthly repayment: 1,105
Amount in arrears : 0
Monthly rent received: 950
Summary of discussions and agreements with the bank
Approached last year for reduction/break on investment property repayments as we used most of our savings on it (bad tenants!) and are struggling to meet all outgoings each month and wanted to do something before we fall into arrears etc. They refused on the basis that it was not in serious enough negative equity to warrant any reduction.
Other loans and creditors -
Overdraft - happens most months, but usually have some savings to get it back on track
Credit Card: Use it to get us though the month so owe about 2K min monthly on that and try to clear it using savings! Hence, savings have almost run out
Family: we've cut down a lot over the last 2 yrs trying to get on top of this. Most annual payments have been moved to monthly, cut down/shop around for all insurance etc, tax car for 3 mths at a time. Buying small amounts of oil in winter. Most grocery shop in aldi/lidl. No un-necessary shopping. Buy mostly second hand clothing for youngest, and other where I can. Don't go out at all. Youngest has been very ill over past year so a lot gone on medical bills. Rental property is killing us as we have to top up repayment each month, repairs/replacements are killing us. Need about 800 to fix our own heating, need to sort a car out so I can maybe start childminding, but just can't get head above water at all.
Have 2 cars on road, main one 13yrs old and on its last legs but DH needs one to get to work and need one to get to school as we're in the country.
Other savings and investments:
Husband pays into work pension + 200 AVCs
My pension is about 20K but since I left work its been parked as it is on accountants advice
Old house from my parents - maybe worth 20-30K but long drawn out family dispute about selling it so its not going to be liquidated anytime soon!
And apart from that - NONE - 1000 in savings a/c at moment. Cannot get any regular savings at all as there is nothing left each month!! Only got through this year as we got some overtime that was missed initially.
How important is retaining the family home to you? VERY
Which of the following best describes your situation?
I really want to keep the family home even if it means having a large mortgage and negative equity for years to come.
Any other relevant information
NPPR won't be paid on time again - don't have it!
I think the last time we approached bank we were too honest in the statement of means, as really only gave the very cut down picture. In the process of trying to put it together again, but this time including all the cost that a 'normal' family would have, as in getting kids hair cut, dental bills, etc - all the things we have pretty much cut out as we just can't afford it.
What is your preferred realistic outcome?
Get the family home mortgage to a level we can manage, would like to keep the rental as its the only investment we have for our future but not if it means we continue to seriously struggle and can't save anything.
Net (i.e. after tax) Income self: 3700
nature of income: private sector - position stable at moment
Net income partner/spouse: 0
Income history: Lost job in 2010 - not worked outside home since
number of children: 2
Amount of Mortgage Interest Supplement received: 0
Home loan-Family home
Lender: AIB
Amount outstanding: 287,761
Value of home: about 260,000 now - although wouldn't get that
Interest rate: split loans - 177,040 @ 4.4% + 110,721 @ 4.49%
Monthly repayment: 1,708
Amount in arrears: 0
Investment property
Lender: AIB
Amount outstanding: 164,899
Value of home: 150,00
Interest rate: 4.4%
Monthly repayment: 1,105
Amount in arrears : 0
Monthly rent received: 950
Summary of discussions and agreements with the bank
Approached last year for reduction/break on investment property repayments as we used most of our savings on it (bad tenants!) and are struggling to meet all outgoings each month and wanted to do something before we fall into arrears etc. They refused on the basis that it was not in serious enough negative equity to warrant any reduction.
Other loans and creditors -
Overdraft - happens most months, but usually have some savings to get it back on track
Credit Card: Use it to get us though the month so owe about 2K min monthly on that and try to clear it using savings! Hence, savings have almost run out
Family: we've cut down a lot over the last 2 yrs trying to get on top of this. Most annual payments have been moved to monthly, cut down/shop around for all insurance etc, tax car for 3 mths at a time. Buying small amounts of oil in winter. Most grocery shop in aldi/lidl. No un-necessary shopping. Buy mostly second hand clothing for youngest, and other where I can. Don't go out at all. Youngest has been very ill over past year so a lot gone on medical bills. Rental property is killing us as we have to top up repayment each month, repairs/replacements are killing us. Need about 800 to fix our own heating, need to sort a car out so I can maybe start childminding, but just can't get head above water at all.
Have 2 cars on road, main one 13yrs old and on its last legs but DH needs one to get to work and need one to get to school as we're in the country.
Other savings and investments:
Husband pays into work pension + 200 AVCs
My pension is about 20K but since I left work its been parked as it is on accountants advice
Old house from my parents - maybe worth 20-30K but long drawn out family dispute about selling it so its not going to be liquidated anytime soon!
And apart from that - NONE - 1000 in savings a/c at moment. Cannot get any regular savings at all as there is nothing left each month!! Only got through this year as we got some overtime that was missed initially.
How important is retaining the family home to you? VERY
Which of the following best describes your situation?
I really want to keep the family home even if it means having a large mortgage and negative equity for years to come.
Any other relevant information
NPPR won't be paid on time again - don't have it!
I think the last time we approached bank we were too honest in the statement of means, as really only gave the very cut down picture. In the process of trying to put it together again, but this time including all the cost that a 'normal' family would have, as in getting kids hair cut, dental bills, etc - all the things we have pretty much cut out as we just can't afford it.
What is your preferred realistic outcome?
Get the family home mortgage to a level we can manage, would like to keep the rental as its the only investment we have for our future but not if it means we continue to seriously struggle and can't save anything.