Family history


Registered User
I havn't looked at my family tree in a while, but I realise that when I was a kid I was privileged to meet/know elderly relatives.

My great-granny and granny used stay with us for a holiday most years up to when I was about 14. I also met my great-granny's sister and brother. They all lived great ages to their 80's and 90's.

Anybody else have great-granparent or great-aunts/uncles?
You are very lucky.
My maternal grandparents died from the Spanish Flu at the end of WWI; my paternal grandmother died in the early 1930's and my paternal grandfather died in about 1956 when I was eleven.
Over the last few years my sisters, brothers and I traced relatives unknown to us. We did the usual things via the internet with the Census information available. We visited graveyards and left letters of contact within plastic covers. Surprise, surprise contacts were made from those relatives whom were also interested in forming a family tree.

I am glad we went through the experience and mostly it was enjoyable. You come across the black sheep also. So be prepared for the occasional little shock.