False advertising on Daft


Registered User
Hi was just on Daft.ie looking at properties in Blessington Co Wicklow and what appears but houses for sale by a well known chain for sale in the village but with addresses such as No 3, Parkview, Newbridge, Blessington, Co Wicklow. There are several of these one is even 5 mins walk from Clondalkin Village. Having lived in Blessington for over 15 years I know that you would have to be some kind of superhero to get to clondalkin flying never mind walking. This pratice is making me very angry as it can only lead to a false inflation of prices in my village. Have complained to daft but not holding my breath. Any other suggestions what to do?
The Advertising Standards Authority

The IAVI or IAPI if the auctioneer is a member.

Directly to the auctioneer.

To a property journalist

As an agent myself I intend to complain to the IAVI myself (I am a member) however their complaints procedure takes a long time. This kind of action by an agent boils my blood as when I am aked what I work as and have to defend myself it is the actions of these type of so called professionals I am defending myself against. I have eight brochures printed on my desk at the moment to support my complaint.
I would think it was a typo rather than false advertising. Must have meant to type five minutes walk from Blessington village.

I have noticed this type of thing on myhome where houses in Clondalkin are often listed under Lucan and such like. Usually they get corrected pretty sharpish.
A typo on 8 brochures my eye! The agent is based in the village! That is like me selling a warehouse in Dublin 12 and advertising it as City Centre it is wrong ! People who are looking at properties in an area find 1 they like and look at these web sites for a guide for other prices in the area.
As i said in the op I e-mailed Daft at 8.30 this morning to complain ... they are still there.