Fake Alibi Service


Registered User
I don't know if anybody else heard the interview on RTE radio during the week, where Derek Mooney spoke to a guy who set up a business in the UK called Fake Alibi. Basically this company promotes itself as the worlds first legitimate Alibi Service!! It provides all types of alibi's from people trying to cover up their affairs by saying they are at a conference or business trip to people who need fake references,fake payslips, doctors notes etc.

The two main things that i find despicable about this company is firstly is that is could possibly facilitate a crime. One possible scenario i came across while looking up this company was the following:
Joe Bloggs has been arrested for a GBH, he is interviewed and makes no comment in the interview when he exercises his right to silence, he is then bailed by the Police for further investigations to be carried out. Joe Bloggs then contacts Fakealibi.co.uk and arranges for an alibi to be created by claiming he was in a pub with a friend when really he was assaulting the complainant. The Police reinterview Joe Bloggs when he returns to the Police Station and he gives details of his new alibi. Hey presto he has the barebones of a defence!

The second thing i could not get over, and this infuriated me more than anything, is that the business owner, Nick something or other, admitted to Mooney that they do also provide fake doctors notes for individuals who wish to present them to their employers, whether it is for a long term illness or just a couple of weeks. The name of the doctor will be fake but the phone number on the doctors note will forward on to somebody pretending to be the doctors surgery, verifying the employees illness. The main problem i have with this, is lets say an employee is off work with one of these sick notes for a couple of months. Due to the sick note i decide to pay them during their sick leave without knowing there is nothing wrong with them. This is ripping me, the employer off. That to me is fraud! I would be livid if i found out an employee had gone down this route. Its simply wrong.
When the business owner was asked by Mooney whether he considered this to be assisting fraud, he replied no. He likened it to a person who owns a gun shop. He sells a gun to an individual, the individual goes off and kills someone. The person who sold the gun is not liable. Likewise, he provies a fake sick note to an employee, he says its up to the employee to do with it, what they please.

I don't know if anyone else has come across this company or heard the interview, but i'd be interested in hearing what other people have to say about it.
...the business owner, Nick something or other
It's Nicholas Holt, aka Rob Goulding, aka Whatever-you're-Having, I guess. Here's his website, and details of his [broken link removed]. He's been discussed on a [broken link removed] of blogs and was written up in The Times and The Telegraph just over a year ago. Enterprising little rat.

I imagine further publicity is exactly what he wants/needs... (so, having exhausted all the quality British media outlets, he blags himself some 'exclusive' airtime on RTE! )
Surprised that Mooney let him on; they are usually fairly careful. I thought that they handled him quite well once they had him on, but at that stage it was a bit late and he had managed to plug his services.

The guy is a professional liar who covers up for husbands (and wives) on the skite. Wish I had known of him years ago when I might have had the inclination! Seriously though, the description of him as an enterprising little rat just about sums it up.

Even this guy's name is fake. Is he for real? Googling him though i found this interesting quote

[SIZE=-1]"We provide alibi's to people who wish to conceal their activities. fakealibi.co.uk is here to help you provide assurance to your loved ones.."[/SIZE]

Provide assurance to your loved ones!! Come on. Should be more like "we help you to deceive and lie blatently to those you think you love but realistically who you couldn't care less about"
A point that the guy made is worth thinking about, and many people may have missed it. He spoke about providing background sounds to make it seem as if the clients were in airports etc. I was in an internet cafe in marbella last week (Puerto Banus) and I heard a fairly loud-mouthed guy boasting to the owner that he had a CD of office sounds in his car, and had a landline diverted to his mobile. By popping in the CD he could then convince callers that he was running a sizeable operation, when in fact he was just a one-man show. As far as I could gather he was in the IT business in some way.

Increasingly, nothing is what it seems!
Surely fake alibis would generally be easily detected by further Garda/Police investigation into the matter?
Surely fake alibis would generally be easily detected by further Garda/Police investigation into the matter?

And surely any outfit obstructing an investigation (or many) is breaking the law ?