Fairy Outfit for 3.5 year old


Registered User
Hi all,

Has anyone seen any good Halloween Fairy Costumes in the shops ? I have a 3 and 1/2 year old who is hoping for same.

Dunnes, Ladybird, M&S, and the Early Learning Centre have them, there may be other shops, that's all I know about!
You could try Smyths as well they sell all those kind of outfits. Other halfs 3 yr old niece recently got a snow white one from here.
Some of the "pound" shops may have stuff like wings, headgear, wand etc. for next to nothing and you could make up the rest yourself or maybe try one of the dance stores for a cheap tutu or something?
Tesco usually have cheap ones in the run up to Halloween. As has been mentioned Ladybird have a good selection.

I agree with Clubman about making one from stuff.

What is wrong with a black plastic bag with armholes cut out !
Bring back the days when we used to make our own!

I realise this is not exactly an answer to the question posed but I would completely second the above. Last year myself and my two kids had a ball firstly collecting leaves from the street and stapling them all over a black bin bag. We then got an old wooly hat belonging to Mr. Happy, cut eyes out and covered it in leaves too. My son wore it and for my daughter we got old sheets, tore them in strips and mummified her with them by literally bandaging her all over with them. I did a job on myself too and I went as the Mummy's Mummy. We had a fantastic time making them. You miss out on so much crack by just going out and buying them and hopefully in later years they will remember the fun we had at halloween time.
all good ideas with lots of witch outfits (she had bad experience as a witch last year). Had tried all of them except ELC. They have fantastic costumes on their website - www.elc.co.uk - rang a shop and they have it in stock - result !! thanks terrysgirl33.
Castro Street, SF 2006 during Pride Week.

Clubman I did start my post by saying "I realise this is not exactly an answer to the question posed but ......". I was merely pointing out that sometimes much more fun can be had from improvising and putting costumes together by using your own and their imaginations.:p The Mummy and "Black Bag Monster" were merely examples but I thought that was obvious:rolleyes:
Clubman I did start my post by saying "I realise this is not exactly an answer to the question posed but ......". I was merely pointing out that sometimes much more fun can be had from improvising and putting costumes together by using your own and their imaginations.:p The Mummy and "Black Bag Monster" were merely examples but I thought that was obvious:rolleyes:
Huh? Why are you directing these comments at me?! :confused: :rolleyes: