Fairview Close Apts, off Richmond avenue, Dublin

Re: Fairview Apts

Extopia, I'm with you. I live in Premier Square and shop regularly at Clearwater. Yes strangely enough working class people shop there because decent working class people live in the area...I wouldn't call it rough. It is well monitored by active security guards and I've never had a problem there.....The Premier Square development is very well maintained from what I have seen so far, very quiet day and night.
Re: Fairview Apts

I knew there would be a GAA supporter in here somewhere!!!! I love the area even though I am a blow in - I never could get my head around all those sweaty men running after a ball!
Re: Fairview Apts

Blow in? I never used that word. Everyone's welcome to Dublin 3 -- Even soccer and rugby supporters. (Hey, maybe those rugby people will see that the Northside isn't actually that bad, might help nudge up those property values towards Southside levels!)

Re: Fairview Apts

hi - i bought one of the new apartments on richmond road. i guess for people traffic will be an issue but as i don't drive not an issue for me. the other concern i had buying one was flooding - there was serious flooding at that location a couple of years ago.

i've actually read the tolka flood report and the council were due to carry out a few flood improvement works on the banks of the tolka. i understand that a lot of this work has been carried out. you can't discount for the impact of global warming etc etc., but my advice would be not to buy on the ground floor.
Re: Fairview Apts

The Tolka flood works were done in Drumcondra. Nothing has been done along the Ballybough end of Richmond Road (the lower end, as it happens) as far as I know.
Re: Fairview Apts

Theres a Car Park underneath the apartments so any flooding would drain in their ... Anyone got any ideas when these apartments (phase 1) is due for completion ??
Re: Fairview Apts

Theres a Car Park underneath the apartments so any flooding would drain in their

Oh, that's OK then

I'd ask the agent about completion:

Brian Dwyer & Partners Ltd.,
68 Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2.

Tel: 01 661 8155
Re: Fairview Apts

Theres a Car Park underneath the apartments so any flooding would drain in their ... Anyone got any ideas when these apartments (phase 1) is due for completion ??


Oh, that's OK then

I'd ask the agent about completion:

Brian Dwyer & Partners Ltd.,
68 Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2.

Tel: 01 661 8155

Yeah trying to stay positive on ALL the negativity regarding flooding
( I'm on the ground floor ) I contacted the agent and was given a ballpark figure october / november ... I went down and they look like they are miles off that target ..
Re: Fairview Apts

Hi LizardKing

Hey whats the name of the apt you bought ?

I bought in Richmond Hall.

If yours is Richmond Hall ,they say Phase 1 is finished around the end of OCT and Phase 2 is coming out around Oct/Nov.

Really great place ,so i have been told !

Re: Fairview Apts

Hey LizardKing,
bought one also in Fairview Close. Was onto to Brian Dwyers a few weeks ago about it and they said snagging in November, sale before Christmas.
However, was up there at the weekend and the A block looks the same as it did at the start of August. I reckon they're trying to get the B block built first. B being so close to A at the entrance it wouldn't be safe to open A to the public while working away at B. Maybe they are doing stuff internally that I couldn't see. Cheers
Re: Fairview Apts

Hey Shane did you get any revised update regarding the snag dates etc. went up last week and the place is still a massive building site ... I'm no builder but looked like a lot of work still needed on the outside and I imagine the inside too ...
Re: Fairview Apts

Hey have also bought in this development and was contacted by the builder last week (by post) to say they would give us a date to snag in December and then they will let us know a date to move in in mid January. Was down there last weekend and i agree this does not look possible!
Re: Fairview Apts

Cool Thanks for the update ... Won't plan any crimbo parties in my apartment so
Re: Fairview Apts

I pass Fairview Close regularly and the building has definitely slowed down. Hardly anyone on the site these days.
Re: Fairview Close Apts

Hi all - new to this thing but just wanted to let you know a few things. We (wife and I) have bought an apartment in Block B. I managed to get on to site with a friend on Monday morning (6th Nov) to have an initial look. I was in Block A as well. Block A - No lifts installed yet, kitchens are only fitted in some units (nearest Richmond Avenue) and no appliances yet. Kitchens have cream glossy doors with stainless steel handles and wood effect laminate worktops. They were nice, I thought. Tiling is cream, all plain - no nasty patterns, thankfully. The tiling looked neat. Doors, doorframes and skirting was fitted in some units and this looked like oak and was nicely finished. No floors yet but these will probably be the last item to be fitted. I had a look at the bathrooms and they seem to be of a reasonable standard but was told that they had problems fitting some of them and that there were a few leaks which had to be fixed. Since they are all pods this can be more difficult. Also some had no access to the valves beacuse they were hidden behind plasterboard, so make sure if you are snagging that you ask to see where you access the valves to turn off the water. The heating was on and it was warm in the units I was in. I went into the basement car park and there are a lot of pipes still to be lagged. There are 2 communal gas boilers and I was told that residents will pay for gas on a metered basis depending on how much they use. Anyone who doesn't pay can be cut off by the management company. The car park still has to be marked out and some of the access stairs still have to be installed. The access ramp into the underground car park has a very low clearance (~2.2m guess-timate) half way down the ramp and I reckon that commercial vehicles, e.g. a Transit van & possibly even some SUV's won't fit into the car park. I haven't a clue how they are going to get the bins emptied but that's someone else's problem! That's as much info as I have at the moment. I'd say very late December but more likely January for some Block A people. Good luck and do let us know how you all get on.
Re: Fairview Apts

Passed again on Tuesday and they were fitting kitchen appliances in one of the blocks. Dishwashers etc. - there were dozens of them on the street. Work seems to be ratcheting up at the moment.

On the downside, there was a shooting in one of the original Richmond Ave houses next door, according to a neighbour of mine. And another well documented one in the Fairview Inn a few weeks back.

The street is in a mess. There was a planning application granted on the neighbouring Pat O'Donnell site for 100-odd apts recently and several applications in for other sites on the street so the area's going to be a building site for the next 2-3 years at least.
Re: Fairview Apts

Well the development itself looks good and if they do the landscaping that was on the original plans it'll be very nice. The apartments look well built and well insulated from what I can see. It's a great area to live, but as I've said above Richmond Ave is in transformation and it will be a few years at least before it settles down.