fairfield park, waterford

hi, has anyone any opinions or views on this area? thinking of buying there.

How much are they, I wouldn't think the market is in anyway bouyant in Waterford so I would be hesistant about commiting at the moment
My cousin has a house there, and its quite nice. however, she has told me that the second phase has been selling very badly, and they have had to offer loads of insetives for buyers. also, she has noticed a lot of "undesirables" have moved in. I dont mean to be a snob or anything, but a few very rough people whom we were in school with have moved into the estate, and shes not very happy with that.
I have a friend living in Fairfield park, its not a bad estate, its getting its own identity the last while. alot of young professionals, some families.
I have a friend living in Fairfield park, its not a bad estate, its getting its own identity the last while. alot of young professionals, some families.