Fair Price for 1/2 Valet


Registered User
not sure if this is the correct forum, if not apologies.

i agreed a price of 100e for a full valet on my car to be done by a trainee under the supervision of someone with lots of experience (price is still a bit dear but its a convienient location)

the supervisor chap was away on hols but the trainee begun anyway, which was fine, he got all interior done except washing the seats and one or two niggly bits eg some dirt a side of seats, did not clean ashtray. he promised to do the seats this week and i said only under the supervision of X, otherwise we will negociate the price, his response was (16yr old) tut, ehhh, aahh but i know what i'm doing, tut - walked off. i said if you keep walking don't bother coming back (rude to walk off when someone is talking to you).

so now, i just want to pay him for what he did, what is a fair price?
obviously i will ask the boss. i just wanted to see what you lot thought would be a reasonable price for work done so far.
Mini-Valet which this would be closer to, we would charge €55.
just an update:
boss came back and sacked the kid (not related to my car) for being lazy and not doing as told.

he said i've to pay him nothing more as he didn't complete the job.