Fair play to Anglo Irish Bank


Registered User
Arising from a recent thread here I set up an account with Anglo to deposit a modest sterling inheritance. I rang the contact number and established that they would set up an account in stg and the restrictions that would arise. So, I downloaded the form and sent off the required ID and the cheque. Today I received an email from Anglo with a confirmation attached concerning the account. Opening the attachment I was dismayed to find that they had converted the cheque (at 71p per Euro!) and set up a 2 yr Euro account. I checked my copy of the application form and could not find any reference to the type of account I wanted to set up, except the fact that I was sending a stg cheque. So, more in hope than expectation, I sent an email to Anglo pointing out the error. I expected a snotty reply saying that it was my own fault for not specifying the type of account but I was pleasantly surprised to receive a reply within an hour or so apologising for the error and assuring me they would set up the required account ASAP. This was confirmed again within the next hour.

Just wanted to give them credit for excellent customer service. [I have no connection or other accounts with Anglo]
