FAIR "Love Ulster" march in Dublin

What does it have to do with the election? I don't really think you can blame the government for the actions of a few hooligans. Nobody anticipated these events - despite what Dublin taxi drivers say (have you ever heard a taxi driver admit ignorance of any subject?
Gouger #1: Quick - we have to get up to Leinster House.
Gouger #2: Where's Leinster House?!?
Gouger #3: Up here on Dame Street. Come on!
The impression I got was that Gouger #2 thought that "The Leinster House" was a pub...
Purple said:
The impression I got was that Gouger #2 thought that "The Leinster House" was a pub...
Even better! I like the soundbite from another gouger:

"We fawt fer errr country".

I also passed a few kids on Ormond Quay while the commotion on Aston Quay was ongoing and one was telling the others how "Ireland is a Catholic country". I nearly swung for the fecker meself!

Anyone see [broken link removed] shot from the O'Connell St live webcam on Saturday?
I like the ass-covering going on today from the Gardai.

Apparently, the reasoning behind the lack of Garda intelligence on possible trouble was because it was Celtic-supporting football hooligans rather than any other organisation.

Isn't it the case that such intelligence gathering operations should be looking at all options? It wouldn't have taken much intelligence in the first place (as mentioned many times here already) that there was going to be trouble.

So where the intelligence would be expected to pay off was to identify that other organisations, or groupings, were going to piggyback off the days protests?

My first thoughts were that the gardai (like the dog's in the street) knew and managed it badly to show up their ministers empty promises of extra manpower and forcing upon them a reserve force that will take their overtime.
Its a joke that the Gardai are looking for the HSA to review the safety of their workplace in O'Connell st. - they were the ones who allowed the march through a glorified building site, and the best image was the female garda with the lovely long blond hair - one pull of that by a scumbag and she would have sustained shiplash and put in for a claim.

Anyone remember the pole tax riots where the police got roasted because there were building sites on the route and rioters set fire to the scaffolding and planks etc on them. The Guards showed such poor judgement it was disgraceful.
nelly said:
Its a joke that the Gardai are looking for the HSA to review the safety of their workplace in O'Connell st. - they were the ones who allowed the march through a glorified building site,

From radio reports this morning, I understood the HSA were to be called in because the riot squad or whatever we call them were told not to wear their helmets, but to "go blue" and just wear baseball caps.

So, I would presume that the issue here is that Garda Management didn't carry out a hazards analysis of what was to be the workplace of the Gardai in question prior to sending them out to work in that workplace - a building site.
Garda Management did not do that - i think that this is correct. However all emplloyees when issued with protective equipment are obliged to use it, and if Gardai are trained to use this riot gear they should also be trained to assess the need for it in all situations as they present themselves.

Lets not pretend that gardai always do as they are told without question.

By the by, this reserve force will have its work cut out for it if learning on the job with some of the folks in uniform.
Some Gardai got hit during a riot...shock, horror!!!
Who would have thunk it (as Bertie would say).
What a bunch a twats, calling in the HSA because they were asked to do their job. They are in charge of operational matters, not the minister. Why not get some nice old dears to give them a hug...would that sort things out for them?
The organiser Fraser now apparently blames McAleese for the trouble - re her Nazi comments. What blatant opportunism. Wont do his sympathy rating any good.

But if they're told not to wear full riot gear (specifically helmets with full face masks) in an effort not to incite a situation they were expecting (obviously not as bad as what they got), then this again is Garda management action, and something most likely to be followed by the guards concerned.

If everything had passed off peacefully, where would all the detractors have been, complaining about Gardai being on the streets wearing full riot gear when all that was happening was a few orangemen walking down O'Connell Street?

Do you put up your unbrella when it rains or when you think it might? decision making skills and risk assessment are part of everyones brief IMHO
nelly said:
Do you put up your unbrella when it rains or when you think it might? decision making skills and risk assessment are part of everyones brief IMHO

And if it's raining when you're on the terrace watching a game in Landsdowne Road, do you still put up your umbrella?

If part of your decision making ability is removed because you're managers are keen not to be accused of inciting a situation, you've got no choice but to do as your told.

Or leave your umbrella down.