Fair Deal Scheme - will mother qualify?


Registered User
Hi all. The time has come that we have to put my dear old mother (95) into a nursing home. My question is will she qualify for any payment under the fair deal scheme or am I wasting my time applying.


House value 350/400k
Savings 575k
Pensions 450/500 after tax per week.

All advice is appreciated.

See here:
Not sure if this calculator is fully up to date?
Apart from the time needed to try and get something in place, how is your mothers health? Do you feel she has many years left to enjoy or is she feeble? I know this might come across as tough love and having no empathy, but it's not meant that way. I'm just being realistic, it might just be not worth it financially to go sorting everything if your mum is unwell. As I've already said, sorry if you think I'm unfeeling.
Given the value of her assets, your mother is unlikely to be eligible for any State assistance under Fair Deal until year 4 (after the value of her house has been removed from the calculations). So, if her health is good and you expect her to remain alive for at least three more years then you should definitely apply.
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Your mother could also just pay privately until her assets have dropped to a level where she would benefit, and then apply for Fair Deal.

Any time spent in a nursing home paying privately also counts towards the 3 year cap on the family home.
Hi guys thanks for all the info and no offence taken noproblem its just fact. Its looking like year four before we get any payment under fair deal and at that its very small. I presume she will have to pay the 7.5% ? my father passed away in 2012 she will hardly get away with the 3.75% as she was once married.
Your mother could also just pay privately until her assets have dropped to a level where she would benefit, and then apply for Fair Deal.

Any time spent in a nursing home paying privately also counts towards the 3 year cap on the family home.
Hi twofor1 - are you open to PM on fair deal matters ?
Hi Ted,

Unfortunately twofor1 has not used AAM for quite some time so may not see your post. Perhaps if you were to start a new thread yourself others may be able to offer advice.