Fair Deal/Nursing Homes Fair Deal Scheme question


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Good Morning.

I applied for and received the Fair Deal for both my parents - who are both in a care home now. Their contribution is currently 1150 a week each.

Their house was put on the market a few weeks ago at the fair deal assessed level, but because of a three-way bidding competition, when it sells it will sell for more than the fair deal valuation. I assume this will therefore be reflected in a new Fair Deal assessment and if so, it is likely to increase their assessment by an additional 200 a week - meaning they will both pay 1350 a week instead (I assume this is retrospective from the start of their care, but that is not my most pressing question!). This 1350 is just under the current cost of the care home.

With the additional value from the house sale and income they get on the house sale proceeds, they will go over the current care home costs. My big question is can the fair deal be revoked or does it just get capped at the weekly home cost?

Sincere thanks for any insight.

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So firstly, why is the house being sold?. You don't need to sell it from a Fair Deal perspective
Hi. The house is being sold because only one child lives in Ireland and they don't want the hassle of renting it out. It is costly and expensive to leave it empty. While we do have the fair deal scheme in place, we don't have the associated nursing home loan, so at 130k a year in care home costs we have to raise the money....

Questions I have:

1. Can the Fair Deal scheme they both already have in place be revoked if the house sale takes them over the care home cost threshold - or is it simply a case that the care home costs are capped for the first three years until the house is removed from the equation?
2. I assume any income from the house proceeds (in whatever form), will form part of their income for however long they survive and will have to be declared to the HSE?
3. Their 'net of house sale' assets will reduce significantly over the first three years as we aren't taking the loan. Does this then allow us to get reassessed for assets, or does it work like that?

Many thanks for any comments or thoughts.

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Hi. The house is being sold because only one child lives in Ireland and they don't want the hassle of renting it out. It is costly and expensive to leave it empty. We don't have the nursing home loan, so at 130k a year in care home costs we have to raise the money....

Questions I have:

1. Can the Fair Deal scheme be revoked if the house sale takes them over the care home cost threshold - or is it simply a case that the care home costs are capped for the first three years until the house is removed from the equation?
2. I assume any income from the house proceeds (in whatever form), will form part of their income for however long they survive and will have to be declared to the HSE?
3. Their 'net of house sale' assets will reduce significantly over the first three years as we aren't taking the loan. Does this then allow us to get reassessed for assets, or does it work like that?

Many thanks for any comments or thoughts.


If you need to sell the house to pay for the cost of home are, why did you not apply for the fair deal? Is the house so valuable that 7.5 per cent of its value exceed 130k?
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They both have the fair deal scheme. The house hasn't been sold yet, but will be in the coming months. I have made my original post clearer. But we did get the fair deal scheme sorted first, so that the house proceeds aren't part of general financial assets. Many thanks
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Thanks for the link. It is actually this one that stemmed my original concern because it says: there may be implications on the persons continued participation/ eligibility for the fair deal.

Does anyone know if the fair deal can be taken away from someone after they have started and are in a care home?