Fair Deal/Nursing Homes Fair Deal Scheme - maintenance work to be done on family home


New Member
We are currently at the beginning of the process of finding a suitable nursing home for my mother. She owns her own home and one sibling has lived with her for over 15 years and cared for her. They will remain living there.
I understand we have to provide bank statements for the fair deal. The family home needs a lot of repair and work to be done as the home and maintenance has been neglected a little with my mother unwell the last 5-6 years. We want to get all the repairs and works done now , a new washing machine and cooker is essential as well as a lot of garden , electrical and carpentry work. It’s going to require spending some money.
So my question is, will the amounts we are spending now on getting her home up to scratch be added back when calculating the 7% for the fair deal scheme like say a monetary gift would be? Or will they allow us to spend money on the work and necessary replacements?
I’m just afraid a load of questions will be asked that we are suddenly doing this now.

Any advice appreciated. Thanks so much.
Hi DogsRock, we went through a very similar situation this year. Revenue did not add back the cost of the house improvements. The expenses were obvious and significant (20k) vs prior years & we did the work right before applying for fair deal. I did submit all the invoices with the bank statements but they didn’t question it, my understanding is as long as the money is spent by the date you apply it doesn’t count.
my experience was upon checking bank statements, they noticed 5,000 taken from account 4 years previous, it was for a new kitchen, badly needed. Fair deal added that amount back in,.