Failure to pay bank loan, guarantor is now paying


Registered User
My partner was a guarantor on a loan for his ex-wife , they divorced over a year ago, and she stop paying the loan in her name. Being the guarantor my partner now is paying this loan for 6000 euros, What should he do, go to a solictor to get the money from the ex-wife ?
They divorced under english law, and family assets are still not settle, due to the ex-wife not accepting the offer for asset split, and she as no money to fight this in court .
If the UK asset split is not yet agreed, then it seems obvious that this loan should be brought into the reckoning as part of that asset split. If the parties cannot agree, the UK court will decide (within the context of the overall asset split) which of them should bear the cost of repaying this loan.
If the UK asset split is not yet agreed, then it seems obvious that this loan should be brought into the reckoning as part of that asset split. If the parties cannot agree, the UK court will decide (within the context of the overall asset split) which of them should bear the cost of repaying this loan.

thanks mob....
it seems unfair that he should be paying this at all. hes out of pocket YET AGAIN because of her.

on a different note they divorced because of her excessive spending and he can prove that with statements from different lendors and card companies over the years. His solicitor is saying that they can bring all this into court. her solicitor is saying no they cant.

Can anyone advise on this? Purely out of curiosity im asking this Q. My OH is adament his sol is right. I have no idea of the law.
