failure to meet instalment order - what happens on immigration?


Registered User
Just a shortie, what happens if the debtor left the country with an instalment order, never paid and immigrates after 6 years back to ireland? any trouble with customs/immigration at the airport??
Does he have an Irish passport or if not, a legal right to be in Ireland. (ie is not an illegal immigrant)?. If so, he will have no trouble coming into the country
thanks for your reply :)

He's German with a German passport and is coming over for a visit.
His concern is rather an entry on a "wanted list" and/or detention to enforce the instalment order .
If he hasn't been to court, the Garda would have no record of him.

When he gets to Customs, all he does is show his passport and goes through, it's not scanned. The Garda won't be waiting on debt defaulters at the entrance to Dublin airport.