Failing to stop at stop sign. Wrong street mentioned on summons, can I weasel out?

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Hi,i rolled through a stop sign,slowly but i did technically not stop and a garda gave me a ticket for it,i wasn't happy but technically he said i should have come to a full stop,he is quite correct.I have now noticed the street written on the letter posted to me is wrong,although i think it was very petty giving me the ticket,i am not denying i should have came to a full stop.Can i weasel out of this now because he has the road address wrong.
Re: driving offence

Yes i think so along as there is any information incorrect on the ticket it is invalid. Getting off on a technicality!!
Re: driving offence


Is there a stop sign on the street listed on the ticket.... would make a very hard case for them is there was not.....
Re: driving offence

no the street they listed is one way for me to have gone up that street i would have gone against the flow of traffic and the offence would be more severe.
Re: driving offence

If you draw the guards attention to it before you get summonsed, he may just issue a new one with the correct street on it. You could leave it and go to court and hope the judge throws it out?
Re: driving offence

I saw police catching people for failing to come to a full stop at stop signs recently and have been more careful doing it myself since then.

They were actually filming so there was no way to get out of it, i watched them to see how particular they were, about 5 cars did it right and then one came almost to a stop but not quite and they got done.
Re: driving offence

If it was me I'd speak to a solicitor. My own gut feeling would be to let it go to court where it will surely be thrown out.
But get some professional advice.
The Summons is a method of getting you to court, showing up may validate the summons, the judge has the power to ammend it
Re: driving offence

If you draw the guards attention to it before you get summonsed, he may just issue a new one with the correct street on it. You could leave it and go to court and hope the judge throws it out?
If it gets to court with the wrong street name it will be thrown out, just keep quiet until the garda has finished giving his evidence. By then he will have read the wrong street name into the record.

If you try to jump in before this the garda will simply amend his evidence and you will be convicted. You have to wait it out and say nothing. All will be well if you say silent.
Just bite on it and pay the fine. You broke the law and stop trying to get out of it on a technicality. If you do go to court and it is not thrown out (which is quite likely), you will end up paying a far bigger fine.

Stop signs are there for a reason. For your own safety and the safety of other road users you should come to a complete halt at them. They are generally located at places where visibility is obstructed so you have to stop and take time to ensure that it is clear.
wow redchariot you really are a mine of useless advice,you need to be on the holier than though forum,your very meager talents are wasted on this one,ps bite me.
Object to the redchariots point of view not attack them personally. If you come on to this expecting sympathy and advice on how to "weasel out" of the consequences of your mistakes I think you've got the wrong place, you wanted peoples opinions on the matter and they are entitled to give it.
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