Failed Direct Debit


Registered User
Perhaps someone could assist. A Direct Debit goes out of account every month on the 24th of the month. If the 24th falls on a Saturday or Sunday then it appears to leave the account on the following Monday. I'm not sure why that is as one would have thought that an automated system would work every day? One month the 24th falls on a Saturday (actually it's a bank holiday weekend). Also on the same Saturday a trip to the ATM is undertaken by the account holder and a sum is withdrawn. The sum overdraws the account and the DD fails. I'm curious as to why the DD did not take precedence from one minute past midnight on the 24th. The unpaid DD costs €30.
The D/D can be returned unpaid and has no call on your account balance until the date it is presented whereas your ATM withdrawal is instantly recognised as a cash withdrawal and allowed for when the Bank calculates your daily cleared balance, d/d's are debited on dates the Banks are all open never weekend dates.

Always leave a surplus in your account to meet any d/d's set up on your account, the mandate you signed allows the date it is presented to vary, on this occasion the account holder left themselves with inadequate cash to meet the incoming d/d as they took the available cash out, can't have it everyway when you have d/d's I'm afraid.