Facelift/Contour Threads


Registered User
My sister is thinking of having this done. Has anyone ever heard of it, or indeed gone through the procedure. Apparently your face is 'stitched' to give the effect of a face lift without the major surgery. It takes about an hour apparently. Unfortunately, IMO, she's thinking of having it done in Poland!:eek: Does anyone in Ireland carry out this procedure as I think it's better to get this done close to home just in case anything goes wrong?
Hi, know nothing about the procedure but have just been reading the magazine/tv guide that came with yesterdays Mail on Sunday and there is a full page ad for a clinic in Dublin & Cork offering lots of procedures and that is one of them.
I saw a documentary on this procedure 'threading' some 6 months ago. From what I can remember they use threads with lots of tiny hooks on them, which are placed under the loose skin. They're then pulled upwards to 'lift' the loose skin to give the appearance of a face lift.

I think it is carried out under local anesthetic and the recovery time is much less than that of a 'proper' face lift. I don't think it lasts as long as a conventional face lift either.

Don't know if I'd want to have it done in Poland - what if something went wrong?
I saw a documentary on this procedure 'threading' some 6 months ago. From what I can remember they use threads with lots of tiny hooks on them, which are placed under the loose skin. They're then pulled upwards to 'lift' the loose skin to give the appearance of a face lift.

You say 'hooks'...they say 'barbs'.....I say :eek:

delgirl said:
I think it is carried out under local anesthetic and the recovery time is much less than that of a 'proper' face lift. I don't think it lasts as long as a conventional face lift either.

Well my sister says she has done some research herself and she's found that conventional facelifts can sometimes drop after a couple of months. The longest lasting ones, last for 7 years. She says threading is supposed to last 5-6 years. I suppose local anaesthetic is good, if you're not squeamish....wonder can you watch it and say to the surgeon 'up a bit more on the right etc....' :D

delgirl said:
Don't know if I'd want to have it done in Poland - what if something went wrong?

This is the problem I have with it. What if an infection sets in? How do you check out a surgeon's reputation if s/he's in Poland? What if you can see the thread through the skin....how do they remove it? She says it would cost her at least 6k in Dublin whereas in Poland it's 2k. I can see the attraction but still......
Hi, know nothing about the procedure but have just been reading the magazine/tv guide that came with yesterdays Mail on Sunday and there is a full page ad for a clinic in Dublin & Cork offering lots of procedures and that is one of them.

Don't suppose you remember the name of either of these clinics? Were they qualified plastic surgeons doing the procedure or nurses or what?