Facebook issue

Sim Two

Registered User
I nor any of my immediate family do Facebook/Bebo/Twitter and, apart from AAM, do not visit any social network sites.

I have discovered that some photos of myself and my family taken at family social events are on the Facebook pages of some of my extended family members.

I am concerned that my family's privacy has been put in a position that I am not comfortable with. The names and other details of my immediate family are available to the cyber world and that this has been done without my permission. I can of course ask these people to remove any photos and references to my family but there could be other photos and details on other people's Facebook pages that I am not aware.

Is it getting to the stage that at every wedding or christening, I must tell everybody who takes my picture not to put it up on internet.

I would appreciate a discussion on this issue.
As far as Im aware ,people who put photos on these sites must have permission to do so.I presume that means that all in the photo are OK with them being put up.

If there are photos with you in them,and you don't want them there,I think there is a report button you can click?
... I can of course ask these people to remove any photos and references to my family ...
You can ask but they don't have to comply; unless you own the copyright to the images, unfortunately there's not a lot you can do.

When you say "references to my family" do you mean like "Mary & Tom" or "Mary & Tom Murphy, 25 Main Street, Dublin 29W"?
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Might be of some use to you.In determining your rights.

Protecting Other People's Rights
We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.

You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.
We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement.
We will provide you with tools to help you protect your intellectual property rights. To learn more, visit our How to Report Claims of Intellectual Property Infringement page.
If we remove your content for infringing someone else's copyright, and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal.
If you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.
You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Facebook, the Facebook and F Logos, FB, Face, Poke, Wall and 32665), or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.
If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.
You will not post anyone's identification documents or sensitive financial information on Facebook.
You will not send email invitations to non-users without their consent.

Also here is some information that once again may help you out.

View the photo and click the "remove tag" link next to your name. It will no longer be linked to your profile.

Remember that you can only tag your friends. If you are having problems with someone constantly tagging you in embarrassing photos, just remove them as a friend (from the Friends page).

If you don't want the photo to be shown at all, please talk to the person who posted it. They should be respectful enough to remove unwanted photos. Unfortunately, Facebook CANNOT make people remove photos that do not violate our Terms of Use.
Photos taken of you in a public place are public property if the owner so decides. If not, then no-one would be able to take photos of anything with people in the background.

Not sure about linking the name to the person though. That might be an issue, but possibly not.

By the way, once they are up on t'interweb, they're there for good. If you get the person to take them down, they're still the property of Facebook in cached form (backed-up on a server somewhere). This caching is more or less true of any site also.

Just curious as to the details of you on the pics, and what issue you have about having just your pic up there (if no details were linked)?
As far as Im aware ,people who put photos on these sites must have permission to do so.I presume that means that all in the photo are OK with them being put up.

If there are photos with you in them,and you don't want them there,I think there is a report button you can click?

But what if you are, like me, not a Facebook user and have no idea there are photos of you on the Net?

I remember people saying in the media that this would turn into a problem in years to come.

I think there has been cases of peope getting sacked and/or not getting jobs because searches were done for them on the likes of FB or Bebo, and perhaps uncompromising photos or opinions were seen.

Imagine someone takes a photo of me very drunk and then sticks it up on FB - thats something you wouldn't want others seeing surely.

I have always said that anyone who takes photo's on a night out needs a damned good talking too. Nowadays I know people who come in on a Saturday night and will have pics on FB by 4am. Sad I know, but it does seem to dictate some peoples lives that much.

As you can tell, I'm with the OP on this one !!!
This whole 'tagging' business on Facebook drives me mad. I DO have a profile, so I untag myself whenever it happens and send a message to the person who created the tag asking them not to do it again.

I have actually stepped out of photos on nights out and told the person Id rather not be in it as I dont want my image posted on facebook.

Ive noticed a trend among my own friends recently in taking down their Facebook profile, removing it altogether. People are just getting sick of this business with photos and all these inane applications that people play and send silly updates and invites about.

However, removing oneself does not prevent others from posting photos of you, naming you, and giving any other kind of personal detail. I really dont know what to do about that, bar telling the offenders to remove the photos/details immediately and to be very careful about getting into photographs when you are out.
I have seem many group photos on facebook.

I have seen photos of people at all types of events.

It is getting to a point where people should object to their photos being taken.

As I am aware people have no rights over their image.
Most people on facebook set up privacy so only friends can see their information. Facebook changed how the photos were kept provate recently and now lots of people think their photos are private and they are not. I think a few words with the people who are doing his about privacy is a good diea.

About the drunk photos, don't get drunk if you don't want evidence of it to show up!
Corkgal, same here. I took pictures with my cousin and her two year old when on holiday. I marked them private for just me, my wife, my brother and my cousin. Unfortunately as they were tagged in the pictures, all their friends could see them too. It was never my intention for friends to see them nevermind friends of my relations. It annoyed me and I removed the tags when I found out. Lesson learned.

I now put up pictures but only if everyone in the pictures are agreeable to it and I never tag. They can tag themselves if they wish.

And as for being drunk - I ended up tagged on FB from a stag party!!!! Now bringing a camara to a stag is just wrong. Publishing the pictures is worse.
I have seen photos of people doing training courses down the road.

I have seen locals at various events.

We are such a small country. It is strange that people don't object to photos being taken for fear of social networking sites.
Thanks for all the replies - it's been informative to say the least.

In reply to Pique, I object to pictures of me and my children being put up (i) without my knowledge and (ii) in a place where I would never dream of putting pictures. As a result, I don't like being identified as "John and his children Jack and Jill".

I accept the pictures were put up without any bad intentions by family members who subscribe to the Facebook world. I'm just wondering now about other pictures and details which could be up on other people's Facebook page without my knowledge !!
Corkgal, same here. I took pictures with my cousin and her two year old when on holiday. I marked them private for just me, my wife, my brother and my cousin. Unfortunately as they were tagged in the pictures, all their friends could see them too. It was never my intention for friends to see them nevermind friends of my relations. It annoyed me and I removed the tags when I found out. Lesson learned.
Tagging doesn't override the security settings on a photo album. If you set the album security, then they can't see the photos.
You are right Complainer. I meant to say that this was about a year ago. I looked at the new rules last night and it appears to be much tighter now.
I had to upload some pictures from a charity do last night. I had to tick that I had permission to publish. I don't remember doing that in the past.