Facebook etiquette - detach myself?!


Registered User

Maybe this is normal but it's strange for me.

Received an invitation to 'take a look at' someone's facebook profile and 'hey why not join?' etc.

It's genuine in that I 'know' the person and they would have my email address. Well, I say know - they are an admin on another small forum. Fine.

However further down the email is a reference to a person that I know very well - who definitely wouldn't know the sender of the email - and knows I am anti-facebook. Not sure exactly what is says in the reference (in Czech) but I assume it's 'hey your mate xxx is a member...' or something.

Forgive my ignorance but how would this have happened and what can I do?
Facebook allows you to find your friends using email - you give them your address book and they will find your friends. Your Czech friend possibly gave them his address book with your email address.
+1 There are certain applications in FB that will request your email & password to gain access. This also allows the program to find your friends on FB that are in your contacts list!

Yours sincerely

A Facebook addict :D
I agree that it is strange when you are unfamiliar with it, but as has been said facebook takes information from the email address books of users and uses this to try to gain new members without the direct knowledge of the members.

There is nothing you can do, that I can think of except keep rejecting all invitations.
Thanks all.

Not sure if I fully get though. Are you saying that because my Czech 'friend' and my real friend both have me on their address book, Facebook then made the link - nosying into their respective address books?!
Yes Caveat, thats exactly what can happen. If someone in your email contacts allows this appliction to run in their FB page then it may well find your email address & send you a request. Dont worry it cant hack into your email AFAIK!

Facebook is fun and highly addictive and soul destroying and steals your social life and is sometimes therapeutic. :eek:
OK well question answered I guess, thanks. So it's a normal enough occurence.

I find it bizarre though that people would simply surrender the contents of their address book to Facebook?!

Also, mildly annoyed that my friend didn't remove my name before doing so.

Maybe I'm being over sensitive about it.
There is usually a 'Facebook - stop sending me messages' option somewhere down the bottom of the email in the small print.
Thanks yes - noticed that. In Czech though, and the google translation was ambigious but I think I've done it.
OK well question answered I guess, thanks. So it's a normal enough occurence.

I find it bizarre though that people would simply surrender the contents of their address book to Facebook?!

Also, mildly annoyed that my friend didn't remove my name before doing so.

Maybe I'm being over sensitive about it.

Obviously because you have been very clear with your friend that you hate facebook, you feel this was unaceptable behaviour.

Maybe it was, but maybe your friend clicked some buttons on facebook before realising what they had done. Many people dont realise how invasive it is.
I would accept that it happened, it probably was not deliberate and move on.
I'd never give my email address list to any third party either and don't understand people who do. I think there are some applications on Facebook which cause problems and end up being banned by Facebook. Most problems used to be solved in the privacy settings. Facebook recently changed their privacy features and in my view they made it worse and undid a lot of the work and time people put into setting it up exactly how they like it.
Ah join - go on, you're missing out on many a conversation in the Pub...

Did you see what X wrote on FB, Did you see X tagged on Facebook..

Do you want to see yourself wearing this Pint - I DONT CARE ABOUT X :D