Facebook Do's & Don'ts


Registered User

I am not interested in creating a facebook page but would like to be able to read facebook pages. Of late much has been written about protecting your privacy on facebook. I would appreciate any advice on how to set myself up so that I can view pages. I am not interested in individuals' pages but organisations and businesses.

Many thanks.
AFAIK, you need to set up your own Facebook page to link to others. Facebook is referred to as a 'walled garden'; you can't really look in from the outside, you need to be inside to look around.

Even with your own page, you can set it up so that no-one can 'see' you. Give the minimum amount of personal detail.
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Thanks Tarfhead- love the analogy.

Any suggestions on recommended privacy default for my request.

I don't have access to Facebook 'til I get home. I'm sure someone will post details of what you need before then
Any suggestions on recommended privacy default for my request.

If you just want to look at business pages then yiou can forget about privacy settings. Just set up an account under a pseudoynm and don't submit any private information

Privacy settings are only relevant for users who actually add information to their account that they wish to keep private.

The only "true" information you need to give is an email address.
But nobody will add you if you have a fake name and no info, and the current default privacy settings means you will have little to no access to anyone elses info.

Think again.
But nobody will add you if you have a fake name and no info, and the current default privacy settings means you will have little to no access to anyone elses info.

Think again.

The OP doesn't want anyone else to add him/her to their list - all they want is to be able to read up on businesses/organisations. So a fake name account is fine for this - all they need then do is "like" the organisations/businesses they are interested in.
If you want to read pages you either have to "like" them or "befriend" them or else hope there are "public" pages, which many businesses have.

You will need a Facebook account to allow you to view any of these pages.

I suggest you set up an account with one of the free e-mail account providers like Gmail or Hotmail or whatever.

However if you're interested in genuine business interests you should consider setting up a page on LinkedIn.com.