Face to face mediation


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Hi. Got a phone call during the week saying the bank wanted to meet for face to face mediation. Complaint is in a while and have had no real indication of how things are going apart from a bit of two and fro through email with the bank via fspo . Then they said they wanted to refer to their legal section and now they want to meet face to face which I have agreed to but god knows when that will be in the current climate of covid. Has anyone any advice or able to tell me what to expect? Do I need a solicitor? I was told bank will probably have 4 or 5 people there. Seems a bit one sided to me
The Ombudsman will not allow it to be one sided.

So even if there are 5 of them and you on your own, then the Ombudsman will protect you. I would be surprised if there are 5 of them there.

It is just mediation. If they make an offer, don't make a decision there and then. Tell them you will think about it.

You probably should bring a friend. If this relates to your father being the joint borrower, why not bring your father along?

Alternatively, bring any sort of friend of yours who is in business or one of the professions. You do not need to pay a solicitor or accountant at this stage. Sometimes mediation works. Sometimes it's pointless. A lot of the AIB mediation , for example, was "for clarification and not for settlement" which I considered pointless.

Thanks for that Brendan. It’s ebs which I know basically is Aib. They haven’t stated whether or not it is for clarification or settlement. Yes I was surprised When I was told that ther will probably be 4 or 5 from the bank.

Do most cases go to face to face mediation do you know ?
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Hi Pablo

Just to be clear. Most cases are genuine mediation and you should engage with it as such. Come to think of it, they would not bring 5 people along to mediate for clarification.

Very few cases go to face to face mediation. They resolve a lot of them over the phone.

I recently successfully concluded a tracker appeal with EBS. They were very obstinate and dismissive for over a year and they suddenly settled with us for a significant six figure sum which we accepted (i.e we didnt try to get more via Ombudsman or go to High Court after). Its important to keep your nerve and have faith in your case and be equally as bloody minded with them as they are with you.
It may appear nothing's going on at EBS due to their silence for months or their attempts to palm you off with empty words but there is work going on in the background at their end and they are pragmatic at the 11th hour in my experience.
Hi dean. That’s great it worked out for you. Mine isn’t a tracker complaint but I feel I have been badly wronged. Initially Ebs investigated my complaint and found here was no wrongdoing and told me to go to ombudsman if I was not happy fully knowing that the statue of limitations had passed for me to do that. With the change in that I was able to complain but still very little from ebs except a bit of back and forth through the ombudsman . I thought it was promising that their most recent correspondence was that they had sent it to their legal section for advice and then have looked for face to face
Good luck pablo. EBS the so called mortgage masters... not in my experience.

The Mediator will run and control the process between both parties. If one party has 4 or 5 people involved and the other is on their own, they will not bring everyone together without discussing it with you. If you never wish to meet in person with the other side, then that is also your call. Face to Face mediation simply means that it is mediation in person as apposed to online or telephone. You will be in one room and the others in another room. The Mediator will go between rooms attempting to facilitate both parties in arriving at a decision that you can both accept. You should never feel under any pressure to meet with anyone and the Mediator will discuss this with you in detail. The Mediator does not make any decisions and they have no role in forcing a solution or saying who is right or wrong. You have nothing to loose taking part as its all done without prejudice and both sides can proceed in their Action without any issue if the Mediation fails.
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