Eye laser treatments, experiences please?

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I've perfect vision
but I honestly don't understand why people try and get eye surgery done on the cheap. Just seems mad to be messing about with such a vital thing
Just adding my tuppence worth:
Had it done 5 years ago. Its not a pleasant experience and I had to take longer off work, because of the nature of my work(I work with bacteria).
BUT its the best thing ever, the closest to a miracle you're going to get. Took ages to remember not to reach for the glasses in the morning, or when coming out of the shower!!! No problems at all, apart from being more prone to styes in my eye, basically because they are no longer so protected from the elements. Also I felt that it took longer to get used to than the brochure and consultant suggested, a few weeks rather than days. I was able to function during the day fine straight away, but eyes were tired at night for a few weeks.
I had it done in the Wellington Eye Clinic by Lasik.
Does this treatment only work on certian eye conditions.I have one weak eye and one strong one..."Lazy eye" i think its called....wonder is it fixable..??
Looked up that 'doctors' site...my god I've seen it all now. I'd be terrified of the diy option.

The television presenter Phillip Schofield used OrthoK as an experiment and hasn't had to use glasses during the day since. They followed his progress on TV and he found it marvellous.

Just to mention that Philip Schofield was wearing glasses again when hosting the Ice dancing program which was a couple of months after he used OrthoK. Don't know the reasons as to why he was wearing glasses again but was very suprised as I had watched the program when he started with the OrthoK and the results seemed great.
Was the ice skating program pre-recorded. Think a lot of it was anyway. Maybe he got sick of putting in the hard lenses at night. It seems to be a lot more hassle than laser as you have a lot more return visits and changing of the lenses to suit your eye.
Never thought about eye laser treatment before but it obviously worked for this guy!. New career anyone?

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Ahh you didn't see the interview - funny but I don't think the surgery worked

Anybody know how long it takes to get an appointment? e.g if i wanted to get it done before christmas would i need to book now. Thinking of the mater private for example.
All your advice is positive but I have bad news, Nephew's partner had her eyes done 7 weeks ago then went to Spain on holidays after 3 days went totally blind, came home straight away, she didn't know night from day she had an operation last week in one eye and now can make out some objects, she's to go again next week to get another op on other eye Things don't look too good at present, It seems that she was a diabetic and didn't know she was that bad. She' only 30 with 2 small kids, even missed her youngest take her first steps, We all hope that things will get better but doctors didn't give her much hope 2 weeks ago. So make certain there is nothing wrong with you before you go.
I had 20-20 vision until I started working in an office on a computer 9am-5.30pm 5 days a week. I started working in an office at 18yrs old. I am now 24 and in the last 6 years my vision has got increasingly worse. I got my eyes tested about 2 - 2 1/2 years ago and was told I need glasses. Especially for driving and my pc/watching tele. I'm extremely reluctant to get glasses. I'm a very active and do several sports during the week that glasses are just not an option. I've been thinking about getting laser eye surgery but due to the fact that I've never actually woren glasses before I'm wondering if I would be able to get this done or if I am being a bit over axeious to get my eyes fixed at any cost?

any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated

I had my eyes lasered about 2 Years ago in Belfast. I find it excellent to be honest. I'd do it again tomorrow. The only thing that affects me a bit is my nighttime driving vision is not great - there is a glare from all lights, petrol stations etc. I have been prescribed a pair of glasses which help a lot, and they only have to be worn at night. It cost me around 3K I think, but I got about 1800 back from the tax man. It is a painless procedure, though after the procedure my eyes stung like mad for about an hour - like getting severe shampoo in both eyes!!!

I think if I was to do it again, I'd be inclined to get one eye done at a time thought, just incase anything wend wrong! After all you only have one pair of eyes!

But if I dodn't have it done, I'd do it again tomorro. I used to wear contacts, so the freedom is brilliant!
I have my eyes done 18 months ago - I got mine corrected at the Wellington clinic. It was expensive at €2k an eye but i would pay it all again if anything went wrong. It was such a simple procedure and I dont know why i waited for so long before getting it done.
my advise to anyone is get it done in a reputable clinic even if it is more money - You do have to pay to get a 'pre test' to see if your compatable.

a friend of our got it done up north much cheaper €500 an eye and now has problems and is back to square one - on saying this no where gaurantees your vision will stay 20/20 on completing the op, all depends on the individual.
An interesting alternative I found is OrthoK. You wear rigid lenses while sleeping which reshape the cornea, allowing you to see normally unaided during the day. Anyone experience of this in Ireland?
Hmmm ... Are you saying you'd be happy to use this method rather than lazer? Cos it looks like there is no long-term effect results on this either. I dont get the advantage of 'Its reversable unlike laser'. So if the lens dries up and causes damage to your eye its reversable, great marketing.
To the original poster though, while I think it was money well spent I can think of one (albeit minor) drawback which affects me. If there are fans about then your eyes will dry out and you will need to move away from them. As long as they're not directly in my face I'm OK but in the summer you will need to keep an, ahem, eye out for them in bars and restaurants etc.

Was the damage caused because of the laser surgery, or because of her diabetes? I'm not sure I understand. I know that diabetes can have an adverse affect on eyesight (my husband is currently having problems with his eyes due to diabetes), but I'm just wondering if you're saying that the laser surgery was the primariy problem in the case of this lady? Was there any connection with the sunshine out there maybe? Have the doctors given their verdict on what actually caused it?
Sorry to hear of her trouble, and I hope they'll be able to help her.

I use daily disposable contact lenses for sport / heavy gardening work and never had a problem and I have been wearing them for years - for my regular day to day life I wear glasses.
Interesting story here about laser surgery. Might wait awhile myself.

Laser eye ops could ruin sight

Concern has been raised about the long-term effects of laser eye surgery
after a new study has shown that tens of thousands of Kiwis are likely to suffer defective vision
from the surgery in their later years

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Had it done 3 weeks ago and don't know myself! Fantastic - better than my glasses/contacts. Eyes a little dry for first week afterwards but had drops...perfect now. Had it done by Dr Corcoran in the Wellington Clinic and was very impressed with the setup and professionalism...expensive but they're your eyes!

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