Eye and Ear Hospital


Registered User
After a visit to an optician I was told that I may need a minor operation but would have to see a specialist. He wrote me out a referral but have had problems contacting him.

Anyway, what I'm asking is; would it be ok to turn up at the hospital to get diagnosed and treated or should I go to the specialist i was referred to. Im obviously thinking that it would't be as financially burdensome to go to the hospital.
Hey gunnerbar: Been there, done that etc. E&E is great for A&E. However go with what your doc says and see a specialist. Had a problem a couple of years ago and again this year with the eyes. A couple of years ago went to E&E who dealt with the symptoms but not with the problem. A specialist sorted it out then. Same thing this year - doc referred me to the E&E, they treated the symptoms again but after a week I decided to go back to my specialist and he sorted the problem. The Specialist costs but hey you are talking about your eyes!!
Why not ask your optician or gp to refer you to a specialist in the eye and ear as a public patient?