Extra Loan on credit check



Hi, we are close to finalising a mortgage now, but prior to final approval the mortgage company did another credit check and a second loan appeared. We told them about our only loan for a car, but this new loan is about two months old, and didn't come up on a previous check the same mortgage company did two weeks ago!! I have tried to phone the ICB but they only push you get a report which is going to take up to 5 days and I would like to get this sorted sooner. Does anyone know is there a quicker way to find out who may have put this loan on our address or names?

Obviously you're sure you don't have a second loan. The lender already has your ICB report. If you simply tell the lender that the ICB record of a second loan must be a mistake, they may be able to help.
Did you take out any hire purchase agreement in Reids, DID,Dixons, etc, these show up on the ICB but a lot of people dont realise this.