Extra Land at End of Garden


Registered User
Hi to mke a long story short there is a development going in to the rear of our house and the next three houses. developers are on a site close by already and are anxious to get planning quickly and therefore have no objections etc. They are therefore being very accomadating to us as to what is to the rear of our houses etc. so from our point of view someone is going to build there so better to get the person who wants to please us. Anyway the upshot is they have offered to give us an additional 6.5 metres on to the back of our gardens and reinstate bounderies and landscaping trees etc. My question is does anyone know what it would cost for conveying this property or registering it or whatever is the correct term. Would we have a tax liability ? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Ask the builder to pay for the conveyancing and registering. Doubt if an additional 6.5 metres would have a value that would be taxable either as gift tax ( exempt up to €23,336 as long as this is your first such gift ) or as stamp duty ( exempt up to €10,000)as the value is really only to the householder, and it wouldnt have a value on the open market, would it?
thanks vanilla,
the builder did slip in in a conversation that we could convey the land ourselves but we could push them on it. I suppose the only way to value the ground would be if the houses they build were to have a bigger garden would there be a much bigger price for them and presumably they wouldn't gove us the space if they did. I'm just being cautious as the extra space will suit us as we have done a large extension and can now regain the space in our garden and I don't want a nasty surprise if we agree to all this. thanks for your help. angie
same thing happening to us at the moment, around 30 houses affected. We are only getting 3 metres. Permission granted, houses built but not sold. Developer wanted us to pay for the transfer but we folded our arms on the matter.

He had no choice but to pay for it himself to get the houses sold as he needed to satisfiy the planning granted before he could sell.
thats interesting David. Developer is telling us that they can't do it because their solicitor can't do it solely have to have two solicitors. Do you notice the extra space and did they put in decent walls and trees etc ?