extra esb meter in rental property


Registered User
Has anyone installed an extra esb meter in a rental property before? If so what was the charge and how long did the process take?

My rental property has a studio apt at the side, currently it has a coin meter but it's billed together with the main house, it would be much handier if we could get a seperate bill for the apt, just wondering if anyone has experience of this.

ps sorry if wrong forum, wasn't too sure whether it should be home & garden

We bought a meter from an Electrical Wholesalers which took tokens.. a bit like a carpark ticket.

They came in units of 20 and we priced the "token" to the exact cost of ESB units. It had emergency credit on it if the tenant ran out - it would just deduct from the next token inserted.

We found this method very useful in that the electricity bill was always prepaid and the tenant was happy because they could pay a small amount regularly. The credit left reading is digital so they know exactly when they need to top up.

Of course, this method is open to abuse by hiking up the cost of the ESB unit by the property owner but we have always sat down with an ESB bill and the tenant and calculated costs in advance. The downside too is that you might not always be available to supply tokens.

Our electrician installed the meter at no great cost as far as I can remember.
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