External Plastering Finishes.


Registered User

I'm trying to decide which type of finish coat to apply.

I've heard of a Nap & smooth finishes - but I haven't a clue about the differences between.

Are there any advantages/disadvantages to either ?
I've been googling the web to find pics of each and have had no luck.

From a Plasterers point of view - is it easier to to a nap or smooth finish ?

much of a muchness really Wolverine. A good napp finish is a pretty standard type of finish and can, and often is done poorly. A smooth finish termed a float finish might be a tad plain if its on a new build and again can be finished poorly if not undertaken by a competant plasterer.
There are alternatives like wet and dry dashes and many finishes that are somewhat different and distinctive, and would give a little individuallity to your property, other than the age old methods : look here for some of many varieties of external finishes

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