Exterior of house in development


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Can a home owner repaint the front door and window frames on their house in a housing development where all the other houses are painted the same colour? I understand there used to be a law in Ireland requiring home owners to maintain a uniform look to the exterior of the house to match all neighbouring houses in a city development? I want to paint my front door and window frames a different colour but the house won’t match the others in the development if I do this.
I often wonder why people would want to disrupt the colour scheme in a development.

Surely we'd want every house to match?
Can a home owner repaint the front door and window frames on their house in a housing development where all the other houses are painted the same
There might be something within the contract for the new housing development that stipulates that the house facade must be kept as per original for a number of years. I know that I have such in the contract for a recent purchase.
Is there an Owners Management Company in-place, which might have rules around such things?
1. Contact management company and see if there’s house rules.
2. check th errant of planning to see of its conditioned into the planning the type and colour of windows.

I suspect you will be ok based on my experience in this field.