Hi. Trying to decide whether or not our best route is to extend and renovate our small 2 bed bungalow or demolish it and start again. Basically we'd like to give ourselves a comfortable 3 bedroom house without going into mad dept. We have asked a few architects and builders. Architects seem to air on the side of demolish and rebuild, builders extend and renovate. We've looked at it over and over and can't come to a conclusion ourselves. I can see pluses with both options. But I guess the big one on the extend and renovate side is what is possible with a small house like this. Now I am not looking for someone to design a renovation/extension for free, I am willing to pay for this. But I was just wondering if it was ok to upload/link a plan and of the existing bungalow and would there be any of you guys with a bit of design flair be willing to throw a few ideas back. Depending on the reply to this I can give more information of location and requirements. Mods I hope this is not in breach of any forum rules, if it is please delete. Thanks for reading.