Extension of Duration of Planning Permission



I applied for a 5 year extension of Planning Permission and received a 2 and a half year extension under section 42.- (1)(a)(ii) of The Principal Act as amended by section 23 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill 2009. In my opinion I am entitled as a basic right to the maximum benefit available to me under any legislation. As no reason has been given for the curtailment of the extended period I believe that I am entitled to ignore that curtailment. Otherwise my only remedy seems to be a judicial review in the High Court. Comments welcomed.
Reason was unavailability of finance in current climate.
Do you think finance is likely to be available in the next couple of years because I don't.
I have not let LA know my opinion.
My main point is that my rights have been infringed without a stated reason. I do not accept that any official should have such power over the public
Thanks lowCO2design I think I'll ask for a look at the file