Many are saying already that these new measures don't go far enough to help those facing repossession.Today fm News
Call for moratorium on house repossessions
6/2/2009 15:27 Call for moratorium on house repossessions The government is being called on to extend the new mortgage code of conduct to include a moratorium on house repossessions during the recession. The code of practice which will be introduced as part of the recapitalisation of AIB and Bank of Ireland is designed to protect homeowners facing repayment difficulties. The Taoiseach Brian Cowen says the code will be placed on a statutory footing if any mortgage providers fail to adhere to the new measures.
Does anyone know if it mentions anything about the colossal Break Funding Fees attached to Fixed Rate Instructions?
I am in a position where my income has fallen drastically in the past 5 months, flatmate has lost her job, finances have just changed.
I am not alone here, I know there are many now with real problems meeting their higher fixed interest repayments, who would have means to meet the variable rate repayments available now.
Clearly anyone with tightened finances won't have the thousands required to break out of the choking fixed rate (last quote I got three weeks ago was €23,000 with KBC).
To loose control with mortgage repayments and risk repossession of your home, because of a blind judgment choice last September between Variable and Fixed Interest is completely incongruous.
I heard Michael McGrath FF on the radio talking about this new code for the banks. I'll definitely get in touch with someone come Monday to see is this being looked at.
Does anyone, with interest, know how to put on any pressure?