Express clearance of a cheque

If you lodge it with the issueing bank, it should clear that day and if you lodge it in the actual branch where drawn, it shoudl clear instantly.

This is only of use I know, if your bank is the same as the issueing bank.
This a solicitors client account cheque for my mortgage. I thought there was a procedure to do this?
I had this trouble last week. I simply explained to my solicitor how I needed the money urgently and he did a bank transfer of the funds (if this is the kind of cheque you're talking about). Maybe if you ask? You never know.

I think you can ask for special clearance and it does cost a few bob. It deos involve chasing the thing down rather than just letting it go through the system.

Some lenders do issue funds by way of electronic transfer and if that happened then the money is readily available - they are cleared funds. But if it was a cheque, then it does need to be cleared through the system.

I find at this time of the year ( and at Easter, Bank Holidays, Paddys day......) all of my clients want everything done yesterday. Its just not always possible to devote extra time to every case.
