Exporting a car to Spain


Registered User
Many posts here are about importing cars, but has anyone any experience of exporting their vehicle to continental Europe (Spain specifically)?

My motor has been parked in Spain for a number of months now. It's very useful to have it over there as I'm a frequent visitor and its great not to have the hassle and expense of hiring a car and having to drive a left-hooker, which I would find tough.

It's still on its Irish plates, tax, insurance etc., but it's looking less and less likely that I'll be bringing it back and its status over there will have to get sorted so that I continue to have valid insurance etc. Plus I don't want any legal hassles from the Mossos d'Esquadra if I get stopped.

I have a non-driver relative there who will mind it and in who's name I can register it (can't do it myself cos I'm non-resident). Has anyone done anything like this?
What about the hassle of getting into carparks etc when you can't reach the ticket machine? (You shouldn't bump your own threads by the way)