Expired Car Tax Question


Registered User
My car hasn't been taxed since november since I haven't been using it. I'm going to start using it again and the tax office told me I wont have to pay tax for the period since november if I get the guards to sign off that it hasn't been used. I just found out that my idiot brother borrowed the car once in January when he was stuck (the car is parked at my parents house) and that he went through an eflow toll which was paid automatically through my account. (I didn't notice the charge at the time) .

Is the eflow charge/payment a record that will show up as the car having been used that the guards will be able to see? I don't want to have to pay the tax for the whole period of time since november, and at the same time I'm worried if I don't get the form signed off it might be obvious the car was used once when it wasn't taxed.
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
The Gardai don't actually certify that you have not used the vehicle in a public place - they simply witness your declaration that it has not. There are penalties for making a false declaration but I doubt if anyone will check eflow. Slim
OK two options here.
1: You know the car was used on a public highway without the road fund licence paid. So you pay for the backdated months.

2: You make a declaration that to the best of your knowledge the vehicle was not used on a puiblic highway. A member of the Garda Siochana witnesses your declaration and you pay from that date on.

IMHO there is no check between Eflow and the Gardai, unless an unpaid fine has to be collected.

NB: As already stated the Guard is JUST witnessing your signature on YOUR declaration.
Get your brother to stump up the money from December to January, and declare it off road from then instead?
I'd go with WicklowMan. I'd be very relucant to make a false statement, especially when the evidence of it's falsity is so easily available. It might come back to bite you. And it'd be very poor karma.
I'm actually going to pay the full arrears, as on reflection I can't really be 100% sure that the car wasn't 'borrowed' on more than that one occasion, and yes my brother will be contributing whether he likes it or not...
Should've kept the keys! thanks for your help guys.