Experiences of Young People and Credit Card Debt-Assistance required!



Hi there,

James Doorley here from the National Youth Council of Ireland www.youth.ie We are a non-governmental organisation representing youth organisations and young people.

We are planning to launch a campaign later this month re credit card debt among young people aged 18-29 which will also include some recommendations for action by the Financial Regulator.

As you may be aware some credit card providers have been actively promoting credit cards and their use to young people, unfortunately some people have got into excessive debt with these which is hard to climb out of.

We already have some young people through our membership who have given us their bad experiences of credit card debt, but we would be interested in getting some more testimonies.

So if you or if you know someone in the 18-29 year old age group who has got into a lot of debt with credit cards, (hopefully you are out the other side) but this experience can be used to warn others of the potential costs and pitfalls of plastic, please get in touch with us.

We will use these examples as part of our press launch. Please note that we will never use real name/details unless express permission is given by the person in question. Sometimes we get requests from the media looking for personal stories re these campaigns, so if you would be willing to do this please let us know as well.

Please email me at james@nyci.ie if you can assist us.
Though I've no hard evidence, I'd guess that the readership of AAM is mostly older than your target audience. You might get a better response over on boards.ie or p45.net
It might be worthwhile getting in touch with MABS, I would imagine they would have stats for their client base and as such may be able to help you.
Would MABS be allowed to divulge such information even on a consolidated basis under Data Protection legislation.