Experience of format or layout of an objection to the CPO of land by a local auth?


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Any experience on the format or layout of an objection to the CPO of land by a local authority?
Object all you want but it will not do any good. My advice is to physically stay in front of the bulldozers and do not let them move on to the site. I know of a case where the local authority got away with paying HALF of what they should have ....compared to the same size piece of land ADJOINING the CPO'd land when sold by public auction two years previously ! The underbidder in the public auction - the valuer for the local authority. I wish some journalist would highlight the unfairness of the CPO process. PM me if you want. One piece of advice - do not trust your solicitor , auctioneer or account when they are "negiotating" with their counterparts. Their lack of knowledge and mistakes when compiling the claim was unbelieveable.
Rabbit, I'm aware of another very painful CPO saga - still ongoing. From your post, it is plain to see you have some bitter experience in this area yourself.
If you'd be willing to receive a PM, I'd be interested in talking about the CPO nightmare further.
Sure, you can PM me if you like. What I really think should be done is a large article in a well known newspaper or something highlighting the scandal. At the time, my valuer said not to "agitate" the Borough Council as they "have long memories"....and my valuer knew I would probably be looking for planning permission down the road on another adjoining property. The other adjoining property down the road cannot now be rented because of damage the Borough Council did to it, and it cannot now be developed as the planning development of the council say it would be "piecemeal development" ( it only covers 3500 sq feet of ground ! ) and the Council would only consider a development for the whole area inc my neighbours, who do not want to sell or develop. The total thing was / is a nightmare and the unfortunate thing was I made re-investment decisions based on my valuers advice at the time ; their original claim was for about three times what we got in the end. Even though I was always co-operative with the Council they turned out to be a nightmare to deal with and did not even answer registered letters. I would love to put a sign up on whats left of the property highlighting the facts of the case.
Many months ago a number of aggrieved property owners had this issue aired on Liveline. From all around the country people spoke from bitter experience of being caught up in the CPO nightmare. As I remember, there was very little follow-on. I dont know if it was taken up by any newspaper at the time but in the years this issue has been of interest, I dont ever remember seeing an article on this subject and the unfairness of the CPO system.
Once I saw a sign on a left-over piece of land after a CPO situation, obviously put up by a disgruntled landowner. I dont know whether it did his or her situation any good or not.
I dont believe there is any will within government to change the laws which currently apply to a more equitable one as ultimately, it would cost the government more to make fair compensation for land they compulsorily acquire. With many more by-passes planned, they dont want to face that.
The property owner has no say in the matter. If the local authority say they want a piece of property, they're going to have it. The property is not paid for on open market values, as any other piece of property would. Ridiculously, even though land is taken for a road project, unless the actual surface of the new road crosses that land, as opposed to say, verge, embankment or access to another piece of land, the value argued by the local authority is much less.
To me it seems as if the NRA, local authorities and so on have it all their own way. Because they are bureaucrats they have no personal interest or care in the wake every CPO process leaves.