Expensive breakfast in Killarney hotel

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stayed in hotel in East Cork a few months back and was charged €4.50 each for breakfast to be delivered. Suited me fine to pay it as knew the charge before hand and meant I didn't have to be up, showered and dressed to go down to breakfast.
stayed in hotel in East Cork a few months back and was charged €4.50 each for breakfast to be delivered. Suited me fine to pay it as knew the charge before hand and meant I didn't have to be up, showered and dressed to go down to breakfast.

my feelings also, as demonstrated...

I realise that there is a charge for room service, I don't have a problem with that, even if it was excessive. I do have a problem with paying E15 for an average breakfast having been told it was included.

Why do people feel they can't name hotels, shops, etc.? Why not?

As per my OP, I won't do unless I'm permitted to by the mods. I've registered with (as suggested by mathepac) and submitted a review of the particular hotel in question, which is awaiting approval. If/when I receive same, I will post the link.

I have no problem with people stating straightforward facts such as

"A breakfast in xyz hotel costs €15 and the service charge for delivering it to your room is €10"

But you put my home on the line when you use defamatory comments such as "rip-off" ; "scandal"; etc.

The point is well made.

Some hotels are expensive.
Mini bars are expensive.

Check the prices before you buy.
Check what is included in your room deal.

if you want to debate the merits of various hotels further, go to trip advisor.

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