A ajapale Guest 10 Feb 2005 #1 Expenses in Employment Allowances & Equality I was looking at tommy's excellent site today and was struck by the gender based inequality inherent in the allowances. Cardiac Technicians Male 107 Cardiac Technicians Female 202 Waiter 97 Waitress 64 In 2005 is this acceptable? The following Expenses in Employment Allowances may be claimed by Employees in certain employment categories. [broken link removed] ajapale
Expenses in Employment Allowances & Equality I was looking at tommy's excellent site today and was struck by the gender based inequality inherent in the allowances. Cardiac Technicians Male 107 Cardiac Technicians Female 202 Waiter 97 Waitress 64 In 2005 is this acceptable? The following Expenses in Employment Allowances may be claimed by Employees in certain employment categories. [broken link removed] ajapale