Exit Charges on ARFs - What is typical?


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If they are PRSAs then you can leave them sit up to age 75. If they are DB AVCs then they retire at the same time as the DB scheme. Not sure about PRBs but would think it's likely you could put PRBs in a PRSA and also avail of waiting to 75

Possibly something to be mindful of.
When setting up an ARF.
If you avail of a lower AMC by accepting an early withdrawal penalty, you may be subject to that penalty if you distribute above a certain amount.
For example 10 or 15% distributions.
Perhaps one of our professionals could confirm if that’s the case ?
Interesting point. I imagine this would be a consideration for anyone who needs to withdraw min 5000 from an ARF over 4 or 5 years to help gain Class S stamps. The % of the total ARF involved could be 10, 15, 20% or more.
I think none of the life assurance ARFs are charging EECs on withdrawals now (possibly only on transfers). I may be mistaken....