exercise bike


Registered User

Need to get fitter and am lazy so i was thining of getting an exercise bike which I could use for 15-20 mins in the morning and perhaps some evenings too.

I don't need anything too fancy but would like some kind of basic estimated distance/time readout.

I would also like it to be quiet enough so I don't keep the kiddies awake.

I found the following and it seems to fit the bill

Does anybody have any comments on this model?

I'm sure the super expensive ones are better but I'm not prepared to pay huge amounts of money.

Just wondering if these are not good enough and you would end up not using them.

Anybody I know who has bought exercise bikes or other exercise equipment has never used them after the initial enthusiasm wore off. Could you work the exercise into your daily routine (e.g. walk, cycle to work or at breaktimes etc.) instead? Exercising outside (even walking) is so much better than toiling on a machine in my opinion.
Can't use anything but a car for work.

I don't see the point in "going for a walk" at lunchtime unless I work up a sweat... and I don't want to be sweaty in work.

I do have a bike but where I live... I'm don't trust other drivers enough not to knock me down. Sad really.

So I need something for my "free time" and with kids that's hard to find!

So I've come to the conclusion that I should get the indoor bike and use it no matter what the weather and when convenient.

If I start reducing the amount I use it I'm sure my wife will start nagging me :)

I was thinking of jsut getting up in the morning 15-20 minutes early and warming up for a few mins and them gooing hell for leather for 15 mins and then having the usual shower and off to work.
PGD1 said:
I don't see the point in "going for a walk" at lunchtime unless I work up a sweat... and I don't want to be sweaty in work.
Even leisurely walking is better than none. You don't necessarily have to work up a sweat.
Have to agree with Clubman, the novelty always wears off with these pieces of equipment, have had different types of machines over the years, that alway inevitably ended up as a clothes horse, well hidden so that I didn't feel guilty walking by!!

If you still want to buy one, get the cheapest one going so that if(when! - sorry for being a pessimist!) you stop using it you won't feel like you've wasted a load of money!!

You're better off trying to get a walking buddy to make sure you're dragged out on the nights you don't want to go.
Ive often thought about getting some piece of equipment. I think it would depend where you would keep it. If I got a bike or cross-trainer it would have to be put in an unused room with a television in front of me so i could use it for an hour or two in the evening while watching the soaps, without annoying anyone else. As long as you dont end up keeping it as a clothes rack, and are determined to make use of it then why not give it a go. I think it might be an idea not to spend too much money on it as you cant be guaranteed not to get bored with it and chuck it to one side.

I dont like exercise bikes though. Have you thought about a cross-trainer or tread-mill? Although the bike might take up less room.
I would like something small that could be put out of the way if needed.
I have a "spare room" beside the TV room and I could pipe the TV in there. Give me a chance to watch stuff my wife doesn't like! I was also thinking of converting it into a small home office so it could become my "den" :)

I also have a HUGE bathroom and I could put it in there and have it like and exercise/shower room but no T.V. or other distractions.

I think I'll go for it, but would still appreciate any comments on that specific model or recommendations on other specific models.
PGD1 did you go for it with the bike? Was thinking of doing something similar myself but not sure if I would be disciplined enough to make use of it regularly!!
I have an elliptical machine if you want it. Reasonable. Already made up and almost new. If you can collect.
Thanks BoxTheFox but I wouldn't have room for one of these - even for the bike I would have to go for the smaller sizes.