Exemption fro LPT for site purchased in 2011 and building finished in 2013?


Registered User
I bought a site in 2011 and commenced building a new house in 2012. The build did not finish until January 2013. I moved into the house on 28th January 2013. I am not a first time buyer but this is my only property where I permanently reside. I have an Engineers certificate of completion dated February 2013. Do I qualify for LPT exemption through the legal loophole?
Sorry I dont think you qualify as house completion date was before the 1st of May but you could just double check with Revenue. Dermot posted the below on another thread for me which was helpful.

5.Are new properties that are built by the owner (self builds) exempt from LPT?

If the property has been completed before 1 May 2013, the property will be subject to LPT, unless the person who self-builds the property is eligible for first time buyer exemption and occupies the property as his or her sole or main residence.
Any residential property built by its owner after 1 May 2013 and before 1 November 2016, will not be liable for LPT until 2017."

Oh thats great sorry for confusion I was still thinking that for self builds it was the 1st of May, thanks for confirming.
Thanks to everyone who replied to my query. I have been in touch with Revenue wh have yet to respond. I will let you know. Many thanks.