Exempt or not?


Registered User
We're looking at buying a house that has had an extension put on. It's to the side of the house, but behind the original attached garage. The surveyor and estate agent who did the valuation have both raised concerns about planning. No application appears to have been submitted and they're not sure whether or not it would have been exempt.

Anyone have any idea? (I've contacted our solicitor and the local planning office, I'm just impatient!)
Take your time.

It is for the Vendor to provide satisfactory information on this.

It is one of the following
(a) exempt from the need for planning but they will need to provide an appropriate certificate confirming that
(b) Unauthorised - in which case they have to advise you of same and you have to make your own decision, taking into account whether you need to borrow from a bank.
(c) Authorised, with planning, and they will need to provide an appropriate certificate confirming that .

Stand back and ask your solicitor or the auctioneer to follow up on this before you make any offer.

OK. Thanks.

We've had three purchases fall through already so I'm starting to lose the plot a little.
Is it behind the rear building line?

If so I think it's exempted development.
Have you got any photos or a link to the ad?