Executor sale and bidding FTB


Registered User
Hi, I am a first-time buyer so I'm nervous about bidding. There is an offer in on a house I like, how long should I wait to counter offer?

The first offer is 9% less than the asking price. I am nervous about getting into a bidding war so I wanted to wait it out to see if there are any other interested parties. The EA said it is an executor sale and they rejected the first offer as it was too low and the house was only on the market 2 weeks (it's actually a month), I've waited 2 days but planned on a full week to see the ly of the land - is this naive? I can pay up to 3% less than the asking price so I was going to counter with 5k more so they know I am serious, this should leave me room to make one more counter bid...

Any advice is appreciated as I am buying solo, how do executor sales usually go - do they hold out for the asking price, a quick sale? I am FTB so I can move quick, I was trying to use that as a selling point. Plus the house needs a lot of work.

Asking: €275,000
Current offer: €250,000
My experience with an Executor Sale was that it took a good while, it all depends on how many beneficiaries there are. In my case the EA (who could well have been spinning me a yarn, but I don't think so) said there was disagreement within the family of beneficiaries as to accept or look for an increase. I did eventually go higher (not by much) and it was accepted.
Is this the only house you've seen that you really like?
Are you in a particular rush to move?
I would personally wait out COVID unless I was under pressure to move/buy. There will be other properties and buying in the midst of a pandemic and future recession is unlikely to be wise, no one can predict the bottom of the market and I would wait it out for a bit.
You are way overthinking this. Put in your offer and move on.

Executor sales can drag on for ever, be sure you have some other properties in mind.
ok, good advice, I have been looking at other properties and if I don't get this one it's not the end of the world. First time so maybe I am overthinking it lol! Thanks guys