Executor Renouncement Template.

Mr Black

Registered User
Hi there, I am one of two executors named on a will. I am planning on making a personal application for probate of the will as it is very straight forward will. I have gathered all necessary financial documentation and have completed the Revenue piece. The second named executor does not wish to be involved as too far geographically from where the application will be made to appear in person at the courthouse. They wish to renounce their executor role.
I have tried to find a template on the Courts.ie website but to no avail. I would be very grateful if anybody has been through this process and could share a template. Thanking You.
Thank You Zobeda.
Does it have to be witnessed by a solicitor/ peace commissioner/ garda?
It only needs to be a "disinterested witness".

In my case it was the wife/partner of the solicitor who had been appointed executor but who had retired from practicing.